Program Update
Since it will take awhile to get this up on, I figured I'd post the current program update. WILPF National Campaigns and Issue Committees create a biweekly update to share news & encourage member participation in their work.
WCUSP Campaign
Cuba Issues Committee
Corporations V. Democracy Issues Committee
DISARM Issues Committee
WCUSP issued an Action Alert on June 29. It begins:
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section calls upon the US government to unequivocally condemn Israeli use of collective punishment and illegal detention.
Please read the entire alert at:
On June 21, WCUSP launched the "Restore US Aid to the Palestinian Authority" Campaign. From our press release:
"Our demands are clear." said National Campaign Organizer Libby Frank of WILPF U.S. "The U.S. must accept the January 2006 election of Hamas as the voice of Palestinian people and re-instate funds that have been illegally withheld since the election."
Update from Cuba Issues:
IFCO/Pastors for Peace. A number of banches will sponsor stops for the caravanistas and some on the issues committee will be participants in the challenge.Dates follow
June 17-July 1: Caravan routes with educational presentations and aid collections throughout the US and Canada.
The Trilateral Sister Cities Conference in Kingston, ON. was a success. WILPF was a sponsor and Carol, Nancy, Lisa , Regina or myself would be glad to share details with those interested.
It is my understanding that the Women and Peace conference slated for Nov in Cuba will not take place. We propose working on a smaller scale conference by and for WILPF women in CUBA in the upcoming year.
Corporations v. Democracy
The Des Moines branch will host David Korten, author of “When Corporations Rule the World,” Oct. 5-8.
The Cape Care Resolution Campaign ( means to put health care decisions into community hands. The resolution has passed in 9 of 12 town meetings. Next step: Specify the plan.
The Bloomington branch condensed Greg LeRoy’s book on corporate tax dodging for distribution to local officials, who have since become more resistant to corporate tax subsidies. See, “Local Agenda.”
DISARM! Dismantle the War Economy program report, June 16, 2006
STOP MILITARY ACTION AGAINST IRAN! DISARM and WCUSP jointly developed a WILPF statement on U.S-Iran relations and suggestions for Branch action. Find them in your Branch Quarterly mailing packet and on, Both items and lots of background details and links on the current Iran crisis are at . (We must keep up the pressure. The U.S. has at last offered to enter into direct negotiations with Iran, but we must emphasize unconditional and ensure failure is not used to justify bombings.)
NO NUKES! NO WARS! Campaign during Hiroshima/Nagasaki week. WILPF has a major role in this national/international effort. Read all about it, access important links, loads of information and report your own actions to the world at
KEEP SPACE FOR PEACE WEEK plans proceed apace. WILPF is co-sponsoring this annual week nationally and internationally with Global Network. Start your own plans now and see .
Read lots more on the DISARM UPDATE home page at Read MacGregor Eddy’s statement at sentencing for Vandenberg action at , Submit your own Branch anti-war and disarm related events to .
WCUSP Campaign
Cuba Issues Committee
Corporations V. Democracy Issues Committee
DISARM Issues Committee
WCUSP issued an Action Alert on June 29. It begins:
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section calls upon the US government to unequivocally condemn Israeli use of collective punishment and illegal detention.
Please read the entire alert at:
On June 21, WCUSP launched the "Restore US Aid to the Palestinian Authority" Campaign. From our press release:
"Our demands are clear." said National Campaign Organizer Libby Frank of WILPF U.S. "The U.S. must accept the January 2006 election of Hamas as the voice of Palestinian people and re-instate funds that have been illegally withheld since the election."
Update from Cuba Issues:
IFCO/Pastors for Peace. A number of banches will sponsor stops for the caravanistas and some on the issues committee will be participants in the challenge.Dates follow
June 17-July 1: Caravan routes with educational presentations and aid collections throughout the US and Canada.
The Trilateral Sister Cities Conference in Kingston, ON. was a success. WILPF was a sponsor and Carol, Nancy, Lisa , Regina or myself would be glad to share details with those interested.
It is my understanding that the Women and Peace conference slated for Nov in Cuba will not take place. We propose working on a smaller scale conference by and for WILPF women in CUBA in the upcoming year.
Corporations v. Democracy
The Des Moines branch will host David Korten, author of “When Corporations Rule the World,” Oct. 5-8.
The Cape Care Resolution Campaign ( means to put health care decisions into community hands. The resolution has passed in 9 of 12 town meetings. Next step: Specify the plan.
The Bloomington branch condensed Greg LeRoy’s book on corporate tax dodging for distribution to local officials, who have since become more resistant to corporate tax subsidies. See, “Local Agenda.”
DISARM! Dismantle the War Economy program report, June 16, 2006
STOP MILITARY ACTION AGAINST IRAN! DISARM and WCUSP jointly developed a WILPF statement on U.S-Iran relations and suggestions for Branch action. Find them in your Branch Quarterly mailing packet and on, Both items and lots of background details and links on the current Iran crisis are at . (We must keep up the pressure. The U.S. has at last offered to enter into direct negotiations with Iran, but we must emphasize unconditional and ensure failure is not used to justify bombings.)
NO NUKES! NO WARS! Campaign during Hiroshima/Nagasaki week. WILPF has a major role in this national/international effort. Read all about it, access important links, loads of information and report your own actions to the world at
KEEP SPACE FOR PEACE WEEK plans proceed apace. WILPF is co-sponsoring this annual week nationally and internationally with Global Network. Start your own plans now and see .
Read lots more on the DISARM UPDATE home page at Read MacGregor Eddy’s statement at sentencing for Vandenberg action at , Submit your own Branch anti-war and disarm related events to .
Support Lt Ehren Watada. The Monterey County Branch of WILPF sent a $170 ($100 from the branch account and $70 in out of pocket donations) to the Thank you Lt Watada Fund in care of Not in our Name national office.
(see for more details) Lt Watada is the first officer to refuse to go to Iraq. He has been charged with "comtempt of the president" (I am not making this up) along with conduct unbecoming to an offcier and an gentleman and refusing and order.
His eloquent statement invokes international law. I call on the rest of the country to rapidly and strongly stand up in his support.
yours in peace MacGregor Eddy Monterey County Branch WILPF
(see some of you in Portland next week?
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM
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