Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Friday, March 27, 2009


Pitch engine is a good alternative to a poorly designed website or one that you're working on. Can automatically push to social networking sites.  Only a site that is really agressively miscommunicating your mission shouldn't be included as a link in press releases. If your problem is just that it's not the most up-to-date website, don't be too wary of sharing it. 

What if you're looking to appeal to a wide range of audiences? Have one strategy for each audience if they're truly divergent.

An elevator pitch is key.

Goals could be:
1. drive traffic to website
2. emotionally engage people to get them to participate
3. reach a variety of online audiences whose interests might be very diverse
4. increase membership
5. get funders

1. Drive traffic through search engine optimization: make sure your website content is searchable. E.g. webpage titles are extremely important.  (Guess what? WILPF is the #2 natural link when you search "women peace" on Google. Back in 2000 we were the #1 site. Guess what organization started in the last 9 years that has the that higher ranking now?)
Also need to link to other websites and ask those sites to link to you. 

Could need to take a step back to think about audiences. 

Right now the workshop is working through creating a communications strategy for a specific project of an audience member.


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