Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WAM! Conference Posts

Here's run down of the posts written during the Women, Action and the Media conference last weekend:

Friday, March 27: Pre-Conference Intensive on PR
Morning Panel Discussion

Introduction to the morning panel discussion
Elements to create a good media strategy
Media Strategy 101
Getting the mainstream, niche, and ethnic media to pay attention
How do you convey your message? USE MEDIA
Media exposure on the cheap

Afternoon Workshop on Creating a Media Strategy, led by Ina Howard-Parker of Represent, Inc.
Developing a comprehensive media strategy
Creating a media strategy continued
Elements of a communications planning process
PR 101 Imagery

Friday evening: The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo. The most powerful documentary I have ever seen.

Saturday Plenary: Cynthia Lopez, Insider - Outsider

Interlude: shout out to The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World Without Losing Your Way

Saturday Sessions
How to work in the mainstream media - and why you want to

Get inside the minds of editors

Where are the women in the political media?

Sunday Sessions
Write and publish persuasive op-eds for a national audience

Are the messages the new media? by Theta Pavis

Women and the economic crisis: getting beyond the corporate media narrative
Q&A on women and the economic crisis


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